The North-Central Britannia Region includes:

  1. Compassion Shrine

  2. Dungeon Ice

  3. Dungeon Wrong

  4. Dragon's Bay (disincorporated) - Felucca
    1. The Golden Dragon Tavern
    2. The Temple of the Golden Dragon

    Dragon's Bay was a small coastal town which surrounds the body of water which shares the same name. It was protected by the Order of the Golden Dragon, but had no guard protection. It has since been disincorporated.

  5. City of Cove
    1. Cove Merchant's Guild

    Cove is a small city off the path from Britian to Vesper. It has a low crime rate, and an even lower population. The Cover Merchants guild provides supplies for adventurers at reasonable prices.

  6. Northern Blackrock Mines

  7. City of Minoc - City of Sacrifice
    1. Eastern Mines
    2. Gypsy Camp

    Minoc represents the virtue of Sacrifice. The nearby mines were discovered by Brailla long ago, and a mining colony soon formed around the ancient mountains. Minoc is a well developed city with an economy based on mining and blacksmithy. It has a large population, and a very high crime rate.

  8. Dungeon Covetous

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