Final Fantasy X-2
Submitted Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 10:56:48 PM by Klaitu

Joeys, it's not pronounced "X Two" its pronounced "Ten Two" because it's a sequel to Final Fantasy X. A more appropriate name would perhaps be "Final Fantasy: Charlie's Angels" or "Final Fantasy: GIRL POWER!"

I knew the game starred three chicks as the primary cast, but I waa wholly unprepared for the onslaught of girlie whatnots to be emitted by this game. No, seriously, this is a GIRL GAME.

Here's some examples:
- Forget summons, we use magic to change our outfits! YAY!
- Silly boyz, they're always bumbling around and doting on the girls!
- Whenever you're bored, just dance and sing for no reason!
- Let's give each other massages!
- Aww, the monkeys are in love, let's play matchmaker with them!
- Hey, there's a single guy, lets go find him a wife by asking everyone on the planet.
- We want to sing and dance soo bad, but we need a band, let's get the cutest one!
- Let's decorate everything with hearts!

Not that any of this is bad, I just didn't expect it to be quite this girly. It's a refreshing change of pace. I mean, how many games are out there where you hook up monkies with their prospective mates?

Combat is typically Final Fantasy, turn based active time battle and all. The elements are there, and their counters.. and if you've played Final Fantasy X, almost every location in that game you get to revisit in this game. They even throw in a couple spots that weren't there before.

Professions are an open-ended mishmash of traditional Final Fantasy jobs. "White Mage" "black mage" "Dark Knight" are old favorites, with new ones like "Songstress" and "Trainer" thrown in.

Overall, it makes a worthy addition to your Final Fantasy collection. Thumbs up!