July 2006

Home on the Range
Submitted Monday, July 31, 2006 - 10:46:14 PM by Klaitu

Yepo, I'm still alive! Who knew?

This work thing really cuts into your free time, don't it?

Anyways, I ain't got nothin presently, except I been buying crap off amazon like a crazysaurus rex!

I dunno when I'll have something kewl to share, but keep checking back!

Playstation Portable
Submitted Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 2:07:06 AM by Klaitu

Well, now that I'm among the not-so poor anymore, I decided to splurge and buy myself a Playstation Portable.. otherwise known as the PSP.

People sort of stop and say "why the PSP? Why not a Nintendo DS or something?" to which I respond simply "versatility".

Spending 200 bucks is not something you rush into. I did a little research before I chose my portable of choice. I have to say, I'm quite impressed!

Here's what I like about the PSP:

- The screen is still gorgeous!
- It has Wi-Fi interconnectivity, rss support, and a web browser with flash.
- it plays mp3's, videos, and can display photos
- it has a functioning USB port, and expandable storage.
- It looks cool
- downloadable PS1 games

In short, the PSP is a veritable swiss army knife of cool stuff.

Here's what I don't like about the PSP:

- That big beautiful screen is prone to scratching, because the PSP does not fold, nor does it come with a protective sleeve.
- without speakers, the psp is difficult to hear.
- lack of games I really want to play that were made specifically for PSP

Is the PSP for everyone? Probably not. I like it because its like a baby PC in your pocket that plays games.

Overall Score: 8 of 10

Your score may vary.

I May Still Be Alive
Submitted Monday, July 17, 2006 - 2:02:41 PM by Klaitu

I'm not really sure. Working 50 hours a week in the middle of the night is sure to take the steam out of anyone, so in the interests of complaining for complaining's sake, here are a few tips for when you rent a car:

1. Do not lose your keys. Do not drop them in a lake. Do not leave them on the horse carriage in central park.

2. If you have lost your keys, please ensure that you have ACTUALLY lost your keys, and do not call me back 5 minutes later saying that you found them. Look for them BEFORE you call me.

3. The Check Engine light is there for no reason. It means you didn't put the gas cap on all the way. There is no need to pull over to the side of the road and call me.

4. The parking light control on any Subaru Vehicle is located on the top of the steering column between the steering wheel and the instrument panel. Don't leave them on and then call me to jumpstart your car. Just turn the lights off ahd save yourself the trouble.

5. If you're renting, don't rent a Ford product. If you do, and you have a flat tire, lose your keys, or do anything else you're liable for, Ford will charge you, while GM will give you service for free.

6. What's the first thing to do if you're in an wreck, the car was vandalized, or someone stole the car/something in it? I'll give you a hint, it's not "Call Hertz". It's "Call Police". Especially if someone is injured.

7. Know where you are. If you don't know where you are, don't call me, I can't find you. You have to tell me, that's how I know.

So anyways, that was a little venting action. For those of you who made it this far, congratulations! I'll have more of the regularly scheduled Special K in the near future, including some reviews.. whenever I can find the time.

Superman Returns
Submitted Friday, July 7, 2006 - 2:38:26 AM by Klaitu

Mixed Feelings here.. also spoilers, so if you're not into that kinda thing, like.. look away.

Let's look at this movie from a pros/cons sort of perspective..


- Nice visual effects.
They're finally getting to an era where the effects work is not readily obvious.. most of the time. The Plane Rescue sequence is particularly nice.

- Very well acted.
Special Props to whatever kid played young clark!

- Preservation of Original Superman Theme / 3D logos.
Little heavy on the astronomical wonders in the credits, but so was the original.

- Nice music!
Sorry, John Ottman, it was good, but the original was better.

- Although the movie is almost 3 hours long, it never drags.
I heard someone say this on the radio, and they're right. I never felt the need to nap.

- Marlon Brando as Jor El!
You just can't beat that. Best Jor El ever.

- Discontinuity!
This is a BIG one. In Superman Returns, he's supposedly gone for 5 years. The only problem is that when Superman left, it was 1979. Now it's 2006. 5 years? This just doesn't make sense! There are more continuity glitches, but one big one is..

- Super Boy?
Dear Bryan Singer,
Love, Klaitu.

Never you mind the fact that Superman and Lois never did the hokey pokey.. nor the fact that she was older in 1979 than she is in 2006.. but c'mon, it's Superman. He should have gotten married first.. just because that's what Superman does. He's wholesome!

- Goofy Lex.
Lex in the original Supes movie was pretty goofy. He ran around with morons who would always get him into trouble.. sure enough, he's doing it again. I much prefer brilliant scheming millionaire Lex to silly bumbling delusional Lex.

The Bottom Line:

Superman Returns is a pretty good movie. It's worth watching, worth spending money on, and worth your time.. however, it does not live up to all that a Superman movie should. Not even the original could do that, although it came close.

And really, if you thought that "travel back in time" was pretty big crap, wait until you see the "burrow into the earth and throw a giant island into orbit" scene. That's a little weak, too.

Overall Score: 7 of 10.

The Wonderful World of Reading?
Submitted Wednesday, July 5, 2006 - 2:17:44 AM by Klaitu

Did you know that Boot Cut Jeans are sooo out of fashion?

Did you know that a pomeranian puppy will sell for $200?

Did you know that comic strips really aren't as funny as you remember?

These are all things I learned while reading!

You see, Hertz has this policy.. you can have the internet, but the only part of the internet you can have is google maps or Windows Live Local. So, I've been spending my time in between calls reading the random periodicals that have been strewn about the various cubicles at the office.

Take, for instance, the March edition of cosmo, which patently describes what kind of jeans are "in" and what kind of jeans are "out". For instance, jeans where you can see underwear? Those are out, while jeans that ae low-rise are in. Additionally, capri jeans are in, while daisy dukes are out. See? Didn't you just learn something?

when you spend 4 hours reading Cosmo, you begin to appreciate the little things, like the local newspaper, in which the only mildly entertaining comic strip is Dilbert.. and even that is iffy at best. To date I have seen zero "for Better or worse" comics that were funny. Oh, but don't take my word for it..

Did you laugh? No? I didn't think you would. Where is the freakin humor? Is this some obscure humor that is only funny to soccer moms?

I digress.

So, then I read the January issue of TIME magazine. Did you know they named Bill Gates, his wife, and Bono (U2's Bono) the "person of the year". Why? Because they're famous and they gave lots of money to charity.. but mainly because Microsoft and U2 needed publicity.

Oh, and also, If your name is "Beefy" Jones, you need to check out the personals, because "the redhead" is looking for you.

Because people named beefy jones read the paper.

Shadow Hearts: From the New World
Submitted Sunday, July 2, 2006 - 2:41:09 PM by Klaitu

I bought this little baby as a hobby for those times after work, but before Vanguard comes out. So, I've been taking my time.

All in all, the game isn't bad. It's pretty much what you'd expect from the Shadow Hearts series. Historical characters thrown into a Japanese RPG. This time, instead of tracking down evil guys, you're.. well, you're tracking down evil guys in AMERICA. This is different because your party includes indians and a giant ninja cat.

If you're a Shadow Hearts fan, it's worth a play.. but if you're looking for a great game, it's not here. The other two Shadow Hearts are both superior to this one.

That's not to say the game is bad.. far from it. It's doesn't have the polish it should have had.

Overall Score: 6 of 10

Seventh Generation!
Submitted Sunday, July 2, 2006 - 2:35:49 PM by Klaitu

You know, I get a lot of time to think about nothing in between calls, and sometimes my mind wonders into historical territory.

Did you realize that the current "next gen" consoles are actually the seventh generation of gaming? It's true!

First Generation:
Pong and company

Second Generation:
Atari 2600, Intellivision

Third Generation:
NES, Sega Master System

Fourth Generation:
Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Turbografx 16

Fifth Generation:
Playstation One, Sega Saturn, N64

Sixth Generation:
Playstation Two, Xbox, Gamecube

Seventh Generation:
Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii

Pretty crazy, huh?