June 2007

Lord of the Rings Online
Submitted Thursday, June 28, 2007 - 1:42:15 PM by Klaitu

It's called Lord of the Rings Online, but you can call it LOTRO.

You know, I really had no interest in LOTRO, but some of my Ultima Online friends were trying it out just for kicks, and I decided to check it out as well. LOTRO is essentially World of Warcraft hosed down with gallons and gallons of Tolkien juice.

For instance, the User inferface, control scheme, and default button assignments are exactly the same as World of Warcraft. The general idea of gameplay is the same as well.. go do quests to gain XP.

LOTRO does have some differences to offer though, perhaps the most strinking being that the graphics dont completely suck like those of World of Warcraft. Things looks alightly cartoony, but it fits just fine.

The music of LOTRO is decent. Unlike most MMO's, LOTRO went with very subdued background music that only takes the forefront in video cutscenes. There is battle music, for instance, but you don't really notice it unlesss you're listening for it.

One of my buddies described LOTRO as "Wow that should have been". It's hard to disagree with that assessment.

As a roleplay alternative to Ultima Online, LOTRO fails miserably. there is no player housing, and no chat bubbles.

It is, however, a good time with some friends.

Overall Score: 8 of 10

Sword of the New World
Submitted Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 9:00:56 PM by Klaitu

It's a korean mmo with a distinctive style, and a couple fresh ideas. Unfortunately, like Guild Wars it falls a little short.

Sword of the New World has some excellent points. Things like your character. You don't control just one character, you control 3. your login name is the name for your family.. and you can have something like 40 family members of which you choose 3 to venture out in the land.

The game has an interesting story premise. The New World has just been discovered, and you are an immigrant from Europe. Of course, this new world is beset with strange korean monsters. the time period the game is set in makes it unique just for that fact alone.

The soundtrack is quite well done as well, a lot of colonial-ers type music. It's rare to hear music like it, particularly in gaming.

Unfortunately, Sword of the New World follows your regular gaming convention. Kill stuff, gain XP, level up, kill more stuff. Then you max out your level and then... nothing.

Still, it's a pretty entertaining diversion for a few hours, and one of the few MMO's that is more than just a wow clone.

Overall Score: 7 of 10

Sword of the New World is presently free and in beta.

Magnetic People
Submitted Friday, June 22, 2007 - 8:55:46 PM by Klaitu

What's it like, posting at work?

It's loud.

There are approximately 800 people working here, and 2 breakrooms. One breakroom has 3 computers in it.. and I use the term "computer" loosely. This is supposed to be a "cyber cafe" though there is no food here. The room is more accurately described as a room with 4 glass walls and a glass ceiling and 2 tv's.

It's the TV's that drive me the craziest. As I said, there are 2 of them. One of the TV's is way the crap over on the other side of the room. The other tv is 10 feet away from me.

Every day I come in and follow the same routine. I'm on a 10 hour shift, so my breaks are non-standard. When I come on break or lunch, there is nobody in here. I go around and turn off the TV's, get myself a donut, doritos, or a rice krispies treat, and then come over tot he "cyber cafe".

Precisely 15 minutes later, someone else comes in. Invariably they come to the TV that I am sitting next to and turn it onto BET, Comedy Central, or Fox News, and they turn it all the way up and sit about 2 feet away from the screen.


Is there something wrong with the perfectly unattended OTHER tv, which is not only better than this one, but also has channel buttons that work.

but that's not where my rant ends. I'm on lunch, and everyone else is on their final break. Which means that when the person leaves to go back to work, I'm still here. And they NEVER turn the TV off. I suppose it's an excercise in futility, as we know that someone's just gonna come in and turn it on to BET.

A few months ago, I did an experiment. I went to the other TV room and tried to watch Scrubs, as the airing happened to coincide with my lunch. 15 minutes later, the break person would always come over to my TV and ask me to turn it to a sports game, or lifetime network, or comedy central. Once again, there is a perfectly UNATTENDED television on the other side of the room, just fine for viewing.

I can only conclude that people are drawn to my prescence. This no doubt explains the theater phenomonon I've been experiencing.

Empty theater, find the perfect seat. It doesnt really matter what your perfect definition is, because the next person that comes in will sit RIGHT in front of you.. or behind you.. or next to you. Somewhere around you. Why is this?

I found a solution to the theatre problem. Show up early. sit in a decoy seat. The loser comes in, sits next to you, and then you move. He can't move again to sit near you without giving away his nefarious intention. Checkmate baby.

It doesn't end at the theatre though, it also takes place in the mens restroom.. where this philosophy should not be applied. period.

I'm at a urinal doing my thing, and some guy comes along and stands right next to me. Dude, you know there are 2 other urinals, and I picked the one next to the wall. YOUR job is to pick the urinal as far away from me as possible. What, are you new at this? It's the rules!

Again, I found a solution.. the toilet stall. The toilet stall is an inpenetrable fortress of privacy. Men come in, go to the urinal, and then leave. Nobody ever uses the toilet stall for number 1! It's genius! Well, unless mr. pooper is in there.

Mister Pooper is a man who is in a constant state of pooping. Nobody sees him enter the stall, nobody sees him leave.. but everyone recognizes his brown pennyloafers. That, and the various noises that are simultaneously created and muffled by his buttcheeks.

Mister Pooper is my archnemesis. Everyone knows that you don't do number 2 in a public restroom! The only reason for men's toilet stalls is for the "emergency blow". When you absolutely, positively are not in a position to poo your pants. It's the bathroom rules, everyone knows this.

Oh Mister Pooper, get a clue.

and now it is time to return to work. Farewell, readers.

Submitted Friday, June 22, 2007 - 8:35:57 PM by Klaitu

Stuck at work with an oppressive firewall? tired of visiting like 50 sites for news? Get iGoogle.

igoogle is a customizeable web portal with widgets and whatnot you can set up to your liking. its on the google homepage in the upper right! I recommend you check it out!

Shift Change? O RLY?
Submitted Friday, June 22, 2007 - 6:38:15 PM by Klaitu

Every 2 months, Hertz adjusts their phone staffing to reflect the call volume of the previous month. They make all 140 of us fill out a form with our schedule preferences, and then they process them based on seniority. For the past 8 months, I have pulled exactly the same shift.

Not that I'm complaining, it's the shift that was my number 1 choice.

Thing is, why make me fill out the same form every 2 months? It seems like a lot of work that results in no change.

It's not something that makes me supremely angry, but it's one of the mysteries of Hertz. Just thought I would share.

Also, as a side note, my buddy Dana has a new design on her website at http://www.canadiandana.com It features some new wordpress software and nifty colors. I know I'm excited!

I Survive
Submitted Friday, June 22, 2007 - 2:31:12 PM by Klaitu

Well, the Klaitu was not fired from his pathetic, yet solitary job yesterday, so I guess that's going alright.

The good news was that yesterday the calls were light, and in my 10 hour work day, I was only on a call for 6 of those hours. On top of that, they're only making me work 2 12 hour days this week (the other 2 days are 10 hour days).

So, hooray for me!

Mean People Suck
Submitted Monday, June 18, 2007 - 2:54:45 PM by Klaitu

Since I've started my job, I've taken over 20,000 calls. I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars helping people out of situations they've gotten themselves into, and I've been able to help every one of them.. until last night.

A woman called in, she had been in an accident some hours ago, and other people in my department had arranged to deliver her a car. despite their best efforts, the car wasn't going to be to the customer until the morning.

Apparently, a passenger in the accident was sent to the hospital, and the customer wanted to go from her hotel to the hospital, and she wanted Hertz to pay for it.

Unfortunately, there's no way I can arrange something like that. The only transportation I have access to is public cabs, and they don't take money over the phone. Aside from that, because she was in an accident, even if I could pay for her cab I would not be allowed to by Hertz.. it's a policy they have.

I explained all this to the customer, of course. I've had to do this kind of thing before, and usually the results are that the customer gets really angry and says a bunch of mean things, maybe a cuss word or two.. but this customer just ignored what I had told her, and continued arguing about why I should pay for a cab.

Through the course of the call I explained the cab thing to her 3 times, and none of the times did she ever listen to what I had said. I offered to get her in touch with the local manager, who has more authority than I do and maybe could arrange something for her.

Normally, when faced with the choice between me, who can't do anything and a manager, who might be able to do something.. people pick a manager. This woman told me that she shouldn't have to speak with a manager, and continued to insist that I pay for her cab ride.

20,000 calls, and this response has never happened before. There's a good reason, too.

Most people who call are in a situation that they want to get out of, and given some time, I can always get them out of their situation. Of course, in all those cases the customer wanted to be helped. This customer was different, she didn't want to be helped, and she actively resisted attempts to help her. She was looking for someone to villify, and she just happened to get me.

In the end, I repeated the explaination and apologized that I couldn't do anything and offered to get her in touch with someone who might be able to, and as before she went ranting and raving about how I should sent her a cab.

I issued her an ultimatim: accept the help I can offer, or don't accept it.. she started railing again about the cab. I counted down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then hung up on her.

It's the worst call I've ever had.

As much as I detest my job, I do try to help the people that come my way. I've found that I'm more patient than most of my fellow call-takers, particularly with slow people and foreign people who don't know much english. I would have helped this woman the best I could if she had let me.

So, now I'll have to live with whatever the consequences are. Technically, I'm not supposed to hang up on any call ever.. and in 20,000 calls, I never have had a need to until this time. This is the kind of thing people get fired for.

So, what will happen to me? I suppose I won't know until Thursday, but this may spell the end for my call center days. I'd consider Hertz firing me to be "likely" at this point. The sad thing is, I knew all this when I hung up on her and I still had no option but to do it.

Is the Klaitu soon to be unemployed? Stay tuned.

So Much Work, so Little Time
Submitted Sunday, June 17, 2007 - 2:50:28 PM by Klaitu

You know, people often wonder what they would do if they had all the time in the world. I don't have to wonder, because there was a point where I had all the time in the world.

Now, I barely get 2 hours a day to myself, that is.. on workdays. I think that's a real shame, because there's a lot of stuff that I'd like to do, but I never have time to get around to it. This seems to be part of the American lifestyle, because my co-workers don't seem to mind as much as I do.

Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if my job were something I liked, but I increasingly hate my job more and more each day. For me, I have to work at making myself go to work, and that's just not the way I want things to go down.

So, what options do I have? I could quit, but that would just make me unemployed. I could find another job, except nobody would hire me. Or, I can stay with Hertz, and maybe they promote me.

One day at a time, just gotta keep truckin.

Good news is the weekend is almost here! Just 10 more hours of sheer, unadulterated torture!

Klaitus at Work
Submitted Friday, June 15, 2007 - 8:57:26 PM by Klaitu

So, here's a new thing I'll try out, posting from work. They only let me use the internets on my breaks and lunch, the latter of which I am on right now.

I don't really have much to say, this is more of a technical test to see if this crappy computer can actually handle the webpage. for those of you who are technically inclined, this computer has 64 megs of ram.. and its running windows XP. I wasnt even sure that was possible.

Apparently it is possible, if you want the worlds slowest and most inefficient computer. The sad part is that it has a 2.6 ghz pentium processor, so it could end up being somewhat decent.

Moreover though, lets say you're the guy responsible for buying a zillion desktop computers from HP for all your employees.. why would you pay extra for a powerful processor and skimp on the memory? Why not get a lesser processor and more memory? Especially considering all these machines will do is office work.

Stupid computer guys.

Japanese still insane
Submitted Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - 2:32:12 PM by Klaitu

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Exhibit Q:
