December 2005

All the Cool Kids
Submitted Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 5:58:47 PM by Klaitu

All the cool kids are doin it: Bit Torrent!

One of the not cool kids was asking me about Bit Torrent and what it's all about, well here you go:

Once upon a time, there was a thing called Napster. It let you download all sorts of music free of charge. You weren't supposed to use it for illegal purposes.. like sharing copyrighted songs, but people did anyway. In the end, Napster ate chunks when the industry came down on it.

In its wake, a whole ton of napster-like services sprung up. Kazaa, WinMX, SoulSeek, Direct Connect.. all of these things have you searching for something you want, and then the software gets you in touch with someone who's got it.

While it's not brand-spankin new, Bit Torrent is fast becoming the cream of the crop. Why? Because it works on the same principles on the internet itself. It has no central server, and you're able to get bits of the same file from hundreds of different people simultaneously.

The technology has some serious potential, especially in an internet world where bandwidth is treated like a commodity.

Say you're a company.. you have a new game that is a gig in size. You want to distribute it.. which means you have to pay for the bandwidth of every single person who comes and gets your product. That's not so good.. but what you can do is set up a Bit Torrent download, which has the users download not only from you, but they also obtain pieces from other users who are also downloading the file. The bandwidth load is shared.

Like most technology, this one is oft used to nefarious ends as well. It lends itself particularly to the DVD ripping market.

Stupid Super Heroes
Submitted Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 11:39:49 PM by Klaitu

In over 50 years of comics, we have come across many stupid comic book superheroes.. some are stupider than others, and a select few deserve special mention in this: Special K's list of the top 15 stupidest superheroes of all time!

You should note that these are the stupidest 15 superheroes that I know about. I'm sure there are some obscure ones that really suck.

15: Sabra

This Jewish superhero was created.. I guess.. to be of interest to the Jewish people. Sabra has all your standard fare of super powers.. including super strength, indestructableness, and the ability to fly (so long as her has her magic cape).. but perhaps the stupidest part of Sabra is the part that isn't her superpowers.

She has power bands. Like space ghost. And they fire.. "energy quilts". Yep, she shoots electric blankets out of her wrists that paralyze her opponents.


14. Mysterio

A Spider-Man nemesis with no superpowers whatsoever.. Mysterio was a special effects worker and stuntman in Los Angeles when he decided to become famous by taking out spiderman with his sneaky tricks.

You could make an argument that it's pretty stupid that a normal stuntman could be a serious nemesis to Spider-Man, Mysterios most stupid feature is the FISHBOWL HE WEARS ON HIS HEAD.

It's not a helmet, doesn't serve any purpose, and apparently contains a miraculous air supply. The dome atop Mysterio's head is one-way glass so that he can see you, but you can't see him. You know, because a guy with a fish bowl on his head isn't suspicious or anything.

13. Aquaman

Now, sure, Aquaman is one snappy dresser.. what with that orange and green thing going on, but what can Aquaman do for you?

Aquamans super powers include: Swimming pretty fast, Communicating with sea-life telepathically, and the ability to breathe underwater. Well, hooray, Aquaman. It seems like those powers of yours would be of limited use.

But to heap a little more stupidity to this character.. Aquaman's weakness is that he must immerse himself in water at least once each day. I guess it's pretty high on Aquaman's priority list to not get lost in a desert or someting.

12. Green Lantern

What's so special about Green Lantern? He wears a ring. A ring that lets him make all kinds of imaginary green things real. Oh, and he can fly (so long as he wears the ring). His weakness? Take off his ring.. or else, dress in yellow.

Yep, the Green Lantern is powerless against anything that is yellow. Tennis balls, taxi cabs, THE FREAKING SUN. Of course, DC also decided that this was a stupid weakness, and now Green Lantern can overcome it by realizing that "yellow is the color of fear". Real original there, DC.

11. Strong Guy

Besides having one of the silliest superhero code names ever, Strong Guy also has one of the stupidest powers ever. He can rechannel kinetic energy into physical strength. Basically, if you hit him with a baseball bat, you just made him stronger.. for 90 seconds.

Because after 90 seconds, if he does not use the strength, he becomes even more disfigured! Oh no!

10. Hawk Girl/Hawkman

This one is a tie because they both suck equally. What can they do? Nothing. They have wings, they can fly.. and they carry maces around to smite things with. That's it.

9. Hawkeye

While we're talking about Hawk people, we can't forget Hawkeye. What can Hawkeye do? Nothing! He's an olympic-class archer. That's it.

8. Blade

You all know Blade, he was in 3 movies for goodness sake.. but comic book Blade is even stupider than movie Blade. So, what's Blade's superpower? He's a vampire!

But, he's also got a motorcycle that can drive up walls! Because apparently Blade finds himself chasing vampires up walls all the time.

7. Ghost Rider

Speaking of undead superheroes with motorcycles.. how can we forget Ghost Rider. His head is a flaming skull, he drives a magical "flamecycle" that was made in hell. This is also presumably where he got his magical "flame Chain" with which he can hit people.

Of course, this is just the modern Ghost Rider.. when he started out, he was the Phantom Rider, and he was riding a flame steed instead of a flamecycle. No word on if the horse was from hell or not.

6. Serpentor

I hate this guy. Really! It all started when an alien told Dr. Mindbender how to combine the DNA of Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Attila the Hun, Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Genghis Khan into one super-evil leader.. Serpentor!

The idea here is that Serpentor would replace Cobra Commander, who was the bumbling leader of Cobra (with the awesomest voice and face gag ever). After Serpentor beat out Cobra Commander, Cobra turned into Cobra-La and became a cult.. and Serpentor turned out to be exactly as lame a leader as Cobra Commander (and nowhere near as cool).

I mean, did Serpentor ever try to steal a shrink gun and then try to get tiny Cobra troopers inside Santa's sack at Christmas? This is the sort of plan required by a TRUE evil mastermind.

5. Puck

Alright, in Marvel's universe, the largest superhero community is the mutants. Anyone can be a mutant, and they manifest their powers during the teenage years. Some get a better deal (Professor X) and some get the shaft.. like Puck.

What is Pucks superpower? He can curl up into a ball and roll. That's about it. I mean, it's nice he has a superpower.. but curling up into a ball? I'm not really sure that's too useful.

4. The Power Pack

This superhero team of children are pretty much all equally crappy. One of them can fly with the power of rainbows, and another can turn himself into a horse. A HORSE!

3. Beautiful Dreamer

A Morlock from New York city who can use the smoke emitted from Cigarettes (and only cigarettes) to form a manipulative gas that she can then use for her own twister purposes.

Is it me, or is that just a LITTLE BIT specific?

2. Catwoman

It doesn't matter what kind of Catwoman you're referring to.. she's stupid. Running around going "meow" with a whip while wearing leather? That's not a superpower. Especially if you got it by cats licking on you.

1. Batman

Alright, Batman.. just exactly what is it you do. You can't do anything special.. your superpower is money. The rest of the time you're really good at looking dark and brooding, and were an emo growing up.

Seriously, I mean, you can shoot special dart guns, throw batarangs, wear silly outfits, drive a fancy car, and live in a secret lair. Well, guess what? I can do all of those things personally, Batman. Why are you so special?

Oh, you're rich. Gotcha.

And the winner is
Submitted Monday, December 26, 2005 - 12:57:45 AM by Klaitu

If you guessed THREE Best Buy cards, then you win!

But in addition to those three best buy cards, this year I got a cool piece of gyro art and a triangular box of chocolate trouffles.

The art I might have guessed.. but chocolate trouffles? Those were out of left field, I would have never guessed them. I never even HEARD of a chocolate trouffle until 24 hours ago.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to say later. Now, onto new years!

Submitted Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 12:07:48 AM by Klaitu

Presents and Trees! YULETIDE EXTREME!

I like to give out a little present to all the good little boys and girls who read Special K. Some of you probably deserve coal, but Santa K needs to be in a yuletide mood after recent events.. so you're all getting a break this year.

This year's colorful-paper encased Christmas treat? An Embedded Christmas hit.. Kevin Max singing Greensleeves. If you're on a slow connection, just hang on, it should start playing soon.

While you're enjoying that, you can contemplate the number of Best Buy gift cards I will get this year! Will it be 3? Will it be 4? 5 perhaps? Rest assured, It will be the only thing I will get this Christmas.. not that this is a bad thing.. I've hooked myself up with some delicious goodies over the years with those things.

I dunno if I will post over the holidays, and for all you embedded music haters.. don't worry, it's just until the 26th.


Of Funerals
Submitted Friday, December 23, 2005 - 11:54:22 PM by Klaitu

They held Chanel's funeral today, and you know.. I'm horrible with funerals. I guess I just don't mesh really well with them. Case in point: I don't own any black clothes. When you don't wear black to a funeral, you sort of stand out.

There's also the trouble of what to say to people.. what is appropriate funeral talk? Is it okay to laugh during a funeral? What do you say to the people who hurt the most when you know that nothing you can say can bring them relief?

I guess you could call me a problem solver, it's just sort of who I am, and for funerals, there is just no solution.

The proceedings were humble and honest. I've had the dubious honor of attending 8 funerals in my lifetime, including this one. So far as funerals go, this one was the most unique. Chanel was a quirky lass, and her funeral was just as quirky.. and I mean quirky in a good way.

In example: Chanel collected Coke items. When everyone was getting in line to go by the casket and see her, the Joey Diggs "Always Coca-Cola" was played. I dunno if they planned it that way, but it worked out perfectly.

Another sometimes distubing factor in funerals is the viewing of the person in the casket. I've only ever been to one closed-casket funeral (he was in a train wreck) and sometimes, I've come away wondering why they didn't elect for a closed casket.

A friend I knew at AOL died in a car crash, and his skull was fragmented in the impact. The Mortuary reconstructed him, but when you looked in the casket, the guy laying there in no way resembled the person we knew in life.

Chanel, however, was adorned quite nicely. There was nothing disturbing about her at all.. in fact, she looked perfectly restful, as if she were asleep.

Again, I stray into sensitive territory. I went to retrieve my sister's cell phone, which she had left in the auditorium (we had since gone to the luncheon that the church provided). When I entered the auditorium, Carson was there looking at her. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel in that situation. I felt like I needed to do something.. I approached him, told him how nice she looked, and promptly got myself stuck into one of those "There's nothing you can say" situations. We stood there for a minute, and eventually I chickened out and retrieved the cell I had been sent to find.

I hate it when there's just nothing you can do.

Anyway, during the service of the portion of the funeral, the speaker called for people to go up and talk about her, share some rememberances.. that sort of thing. Old friends went up with tears in their eyes. Some of them with bad jokes and anecdotes.. but everyone being truthful and sincere. I felt like I wanted to say something, but speaking is nothing like writing. I can barely speak under normal situations, sO I didn't go up, but I contemplated what I might have said had I gone up there. Besides, I'd probably embarass myself. That being said, this is probably like something I would have said:

Chanel was 26 years old, and people like the say "she died so young!".. and it's true, but each of us has a purpose, and you don't have to be old and grey to fulfill that purpose.

Every day, people make history. Some people do it for good, some for evil. Some people get famous doing it, and some people don't.. but regardless of historical legend, everyone's contribution is equally important.

It's nearly Christmas, so I'll use one of my favorite yuletide films "It's a Wonderful Life" as an example. You've all seen it. The premise is "What would the world be like without George Bailey?".. and we saw those changes up on the screen. We saw how George Bailey influenced everyone around him for the better.

Well, what would the world be like with no Chanel? I think we can all agree that everyone she met and was involved with was influenced for the better. Her existance.. her very nature enriched the lives of everyone here.

We all make decisions every day based on our perception of the world around us, and Chanel altered our perceptions. The decisions we make in the future will always be affected, in some tiny way, by the lady we knew.

Her spiritual self has gone to be in Heaven, but back down here on Earth, her memory continues to affect history. If her memory is anything like her life, then I think we can expect the influence of her memory to be beneficial as well.

Is this a kosher thing to say at a funeral? I don't know. I just know that it's true for me, and I strongly suspect it's true for you as well.
I feel kind of embarased wtiting it all down, I probably would have fainted saying it. I guess that's part of why I have Special K.. to embarass myself in a less personal way!

At any rate, with the funeral completed and most everything taken care of, hopefully the wounds can begin to heal, and things will begin to at least become functional again. I liken it to physical therapy after an injury. You might not be able to extreme skiboard again, but with some work, your legs will work nominally. I guess we'll wait and see.

Stealing from GB again
Submitted Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 12:17:58 PM by Klaitu

One of these days I'll have to do something original, but for the meantime, I think I'll just read GB's blog and then do whatever she's doing.

What she's doing most recently is answering one of those online quizzes. Here's my results!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

I wouldn't say it's a scientifically accurate result, but it seems fair enough.

In Lighter News..
Submitted Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 12:36:20 AM by Klaitu

On December 26th, after your yuletide celebration, you nerd-types may want to tune into the Sci-Fi channel for a 10 hour long seaQuest DSV marathon. You know, because beneath the surface lies the future!

The underwater adventure begins at 7 AM Central!

A Slight Rerun
Submitted Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 1:22:51 PM by Klaitu

Hey folks!

It's amazing what sleep can do for you. It's rare that I don't realize how tired that I really am, but last night was just such a case.

As I was laying there contemplating, I remembered that Chanel had also made an appearance at the Trek Expo.. and that I had a picture of her! So, now there's a face for everyone:

That's her with Gul Dukat from Deep Space 9. He actually requested the picture. She must have impressed him! Fun times!

Strange things Afoot, and then some
Submitted Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 3:55:23 AM by Klaitu

You know, life can throw you some strange things at you. Some strange things are amusing, others of them are just plain strange.. but the worst variety is the strange and sad.

All you folks in readerland might recall the occasional guest-writings of my cousin, Carson.. indeed, some of you Star Wars Galaxies folks remember Carson from our grand adventures in the Star Wars Universe.

Tonight, Carson is not doing so well.. and I can't say I can really blame him. Tonight, his wife passed on.

Just so you guys don't think ill of me, Carson specifically told me to write about my experiences in all of this on Special K. I had originally planned not to get too deep into the specifics.. but admittedly, there is something theraputic about this sort of thing.

Her name was Chanel.. you know, like the perfume company. You REALLY observant readers may recall that she wrote 2 everwood reviews for Special K way back in 2003. (You can search for them if you want to read them)

There is something.. powerful about raw human experiences, and I think that tonight certainly qualifies in that regard. It was one of the few completely, truly, stunning experiences of my life. I can only imagine how the people closest to her must feel.

She was quite the vibrant person, though prone to medical problems. She never really let it get her down too much, or at least.. she didn't show it. Most of wnat I remember of her was a boisterous, excited young woman.

The effect she had on Carson was acutely noticable. I suppose if you were to timeline Carson's life, it would be divided into "before Chanel" and "after Chanel". In his youth, Carson was what you might call a ruffian. He's a stout fellow, and used his strength for the wrong reasons in the wrong plaees. After he married Chanel, he gradually moved off of those things, and started using his strength to more productive ends. This change I can only attribute to her influence.

Myself, I didn't really know her too well, but I was getting to know her. We shared an affinity for 80's culture and music.. and you guys remember when I went crazy watching 2 years worth of Punky Brewster in 4 days? Yeah, that was because of her. Like I said, I didn't know her so well, but I liked her, and she was a lot of fun.

There's no snap-cut resolution here, though. I've experienced death before. It's not really something I dwell on that often, but something I almost always think about in the aftermath of someone dying.

Now, I've written all this stuff, and I've gotten you curious.. "what happened?" and "how did she die?" pop into your head. I find myself wanting to relate the whole story, but at the ssme time I don't really think it would be rignt.. but what I will say is that at this point, nobody is really sure why she died. She had some sort of respiratory problems. Paramedics were called, and though they put forth a valiant effort (I watched them), it just didn't work. It was a gutteral experience for me, and I can only guess that the word "traumatic" would apply to Carson's experience.

Chanel's experience? Maybe she got the best end of all of us. She went out peacefully. She was.. I want to say 25. Maybe 26. Younger than me.

To Carson:
Some things you just can't say out loud in a situation like this. I can't claim that I am an expert in the field of marital loss, but I know a lot about grief. I'll tell you the truth: It's going to get worse before it gets better.. a lot worse. If, in all your agony you can retain one clear memory, remember that you've got tons of people that care about you.. and we've got your back. Anything you need, we're there for you, bro.

A Christmas letter to ATi Technologies
Submitted Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 2:07:18 AM by Klaitu

Dear Ati Technologies,

Your products STILL suck. Only you, with your poorly-programmed driver filth could turn a hard drive replacement into a major graphical nightmare.

After all, the rest of us really have no inkling as to how replacing a HARD DRIVE has anything to do with the GRAPHICS BUS. In actuality, it doesn't. I am forced to conclude that your programming has somehow called upon the dark arts.

Furthermore, your website gives me the same drivers for an all-in-wonder Radeon 8500DV as it does for your top of the line models. We all know the all-in-wonder doesn't work with any drivers except the ones included on the CD.. and now that those have stopped working, I really have no choice but to go and get an Nvidia card that doesn't suck.

And compared to your crappy products, that's just about everything they make.

P.S. It's spelled "Software" not "Stofware". You might as well have your people spell it right.

More on the Suicide Kid
Submitted Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 1:06:20 PM by Klaitu

Awhile back, I posted up a buncha YTMND's about the Myspace Emo Suicide Kid. After I did that, I got several messages saying that "He really did kill himself, though". I found this curious, beause while the "Imma kill myself" threat is often used over the net by kids, the threat rarely (if ever) comes to fruition.

So, I decided to do some research. I had done a little bit of research before I posted the article with the YTMNDs, but I couldn't find anything but message board posts.. nothing solid. I dug a little deeper.

My efforts were complicated by the fact that "Josh Ballard" is a wrestler in Arizona and "Joshua Ballard" is a dentist. The name wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I started tracking by location. According to his "suicide note" he lives/ed in Mission Viejo, California. It's a suburb of Los Angeles located in Orange County.

So, I began looking through Orange County records. I was able to find some Death Certificates from November of 2005, but Nov 28 was the most recent date. Since we can assume that some other people have died in Orange County in December, I'd ssy they haven't posted the December records yet. Completely unhelpful.

I began looking through the legitimate news media for an article. Something more substantial than the message board cries of "did too!". The Orange County Register has an Obituary record for one Joshua Anson Ballard on December 4, 2005. However, it also reports that this Joshua Ballard died in Santa Ana, California.

Santa Ana is also a suburb of Los Angeles. It is larger and closer to the city than Mission Viejo, but they share a border, so at least we're close.

Knowing his middle name (Anson) I was able to track down some articles on him. Though they were all on different sites, all the articles were written by the same guy from the Czech Republic, which makes absolutely no sense. The article does not state any sources, and none of the sites were legitimate news sites.

So, did the guy kill himself? In light of the obituary, it seems more likely than it did. The main evidence indicating that he did not die is that his Myspace account was logged in after his alleged death. Of course, that just means that whoever logged in knew the password.

Holes in both sides of the argument. Followers of the story sre divided into two equally precarious stances.. "OMG he didn't!" and "OMG he did!". Myself, I'm in the "OMG I don't care" club. I can't offer evidence that proves anything either way. We'll just have to wait until the County releases the death records, or the Social Security death record becomes available (about this time next year).

Gaming Industry feels the Crunch
Submitted Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 12:03:08 PM by Klaitu

This November, the Gaming Industry didn't do so good. Sales were pretty sluggish, according to reports. Insiders are "baffled" as to why gamers just aren't snapping up every game in sight.. especially with the holidays here.

I don't have any statistics or data to back up my personal theory, but here it is anyway: They won't stop making crappy games.

If it's possible to make a completely awesome game most of the time, then why the heck isn't the industry doing that, instead of pumping out movie franchise games and clones of other, more popular games?

I think it's because they're lazy. I think it's also because they really have no taste, either.

Let's take a look at this week's most popular PS2 games:

1. Gun
2. Dragon Quest 8
3. Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
4. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
5. Smackdown vs Raw 2006
6. Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
7. Peter Jackson's King Kong
8. Matrix: Path of Neo
9. True Crime: New York
10. 50 Cent: Bulletproof
11. Shadow of the Colossus
12. Call of Duty 2

This is a pretty good sampling of the full range of quality. Dragon Quest 8 is a very good game, Smackdown vs Raw is an average game, and 50 Cent: Bulletproof sucks eggs.

How many in that listing would YOU buy? Myself.. only one. Some of them don't even deserve to be renters.

But if you thought PS2 had it bad, check out the regular X-box's listing:

1. Half Life 2
2. Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
3. Gun
4. Matrix: Path of Neo
5. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
6. Call of Duty 2
7. King Kong
8. Battlefront 2
9. Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
10. True Crime: New York
11. America's Army
12. 50 Cent: Bulletproof

Any games at all you'd pay for in there? It's interesting to note that there are 4 FPS's in there, and the PS2 only had 1 FPS.

Alright, let's try the cube:

1. Super Mario Strikers
2. Shadow the Hedgehog
3. Mario Party 7
4. Mario Superstar Baseball
5. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
6. Chronicles of Narnia
7. Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
8. Pokemon XD
9. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
10. King kong
11. Batallion Wars
12. 007 From Russia with Love

Wow. That's bad. Is there even a game in there that you want to play.. let alone buy?

So, I can't really speak for snyone else, but I'm not going to pay for a crappy game.. at best I'm going to rent it. Give me something good, and I'll be glad to buy it.

The Numbers are in!
Submitted Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 3:13:15 PM by Klaitu

Well, the preliminary ones.

Everyone's been watching and waiting.. what will happen to the X-box 360 in Japan? Why is everyone so interested? Because the fate of X-box in Japan will determine the ultimare worldwide popularity of the system.

According to Gamespot, 159,000 X-box units were shipped to retailers in Japan. Over the weekend, the retailers sold 62,135 of those units. So, unlike in the US, the console did not immediately sell out.. in fact, they didn't even sell half of them.

Another interesting figure in the report, there was a game-to-console ratio of 0.91, which means that some people bought only the console, but didn't buy any games for it. This is perhaps due to the big Japanese titles for X-box coming later on.

These preliminary figures really don't mean much in the long haul, but they do put a black cloud over Microsoft's attempts to conquer the world. I guess we'll wait and see!

Submitted Monday, December 12, 2005 - 1:00:17 PM by Klaitu

Are you lazy?

Are you WAY lazy?

Too lazy to put on pants?

Do you own an Ipod?

Do you wish you had somewhere to stash the Ipod without bothering to put on your pants?

Yep. Ipod underwear. With a pocket. Only 30 bucks.

... and Mac people wonder why everyone makes fun of them.

Shadow of the Colossus
Submitted Monday, December 12, 2005 - 12:47:58 PM by Klaitu

This game is artsy fartsy. Artsy fartsy all over the place.

Well, it's not abstract, but it is very well done. It's this sort of game that needs to be made in order to bring credibility to the gaming industry. Unfortunately, this game will probably be overlooked when it comes to the "hardcore" gamers.

It's you, a horse, a dead girl, a talking light in the sky, and 16 Colossi to destroy.. and that's it. No towns, no NPC's, no weapon upgrades, no stats. There's not even any enemies who aren't Colossi.

On top of that, you don't speak English.. or any other language. It comes out like Japanese pig latin.. and it sounds cool. thankfully, you've got subtitles to tell you what's going on.

Speaking of subtitles, they tell you to go kill 16 Colossi throughout the land, and the noncoporeal beam of light (Bob Dole?) will resurrect your dead girl companion. The boss fights essentially have you climbing up on the colossus and stabbing it in the head multiple times until it keels over. Not hard, but darned if you can figure out how to get all the way up there.

The music here is great, but it's muted and not played very often. It's sort of like Tomb Raider in that regard. When you're riding the Colossus, it gets pretty fantastic.

Graphics are alright. They're not very smooth.. they're all pixellated and blocky with aliasing all over the place. Animations on the hero are good most of the time, except he walks like a cowboy with bowed legs.

For the most part, controls are responsive and easy to use.. except when riding the horse. Sure, you can get the horse to run like the dickens, but just try stoping him.. I dare you. It takes 2 kicks to make him run full tilt, but it takes 17 "pull on the reigns" to stop him. It's a good thing that Mr. Horse is nye invulnerable.

Another problem with the game is mazes. Your magical sword will reflect sunlight in the direction of your latest opponent. The problem is that most of the time, that beam of light will lead you smack into the face of an inpenetrable mountain. Is he on top of the mountain? is he on the far side? You can't just run around the mountain or anything.. nooo, that would be too easy. You have to pick the correct cave to enter.. and there's only about a million of them.

I hate mazes... but at least I don't have to jump over lava.

I HATE jumping over lava.

If the game really has a flaw, it's the length. It's not very long at all, and not terribly difficult either.. but then again, it seems about right for what the game is.. a casual puzzle game.

Overall score: 8 of 10

Smackdown vs Raw 2006
Submitted Monday, December 12, 2005 - 12:32:52 PM by Klaitu

In the beginning, there was Smackdown the game. Then, there was Smackdown 2, then Smackdown: Just Bring It, then Smackdown: Here comes the Pain, then Smackdown vs Raw, and now there's Smackdown vs Raw 2006.

Funny, It seems like I've played this game before. Sure, THQ adds some stuff and changes some stuff around, but it's still basically the same game as always.. and that's the problem.

There are welcome additions, like new match types. There are new moves, and new features.. but they come at the expense of the old match types, old moves, and old features. They aren't building on their previous content, they're constantly replacing that old content with new content.

In example, in previous smackdown games, there were tons of outdoor locales to fight in. Things like backstage, the locker room, the parking lot.. one of the games even features times square as a backdrop.. with a helicopter!

This new game, the only one available is the parking lot. That's it.

Create mode is back again, and it's a mixed bag. The created characters loot a lot better, but they have a lot fewer pieces and designs to work with. They also apparently just gave up on the taboo and included a boob slider. Yep.. now you can adjust the length, width, and height of your wrestlers boobies.

And speaking of bosoms, the game has no breast physics.. which is really odd considering that every other game since Just Bring it had them. Not that this is good or bad, just a note.

Another problem is that not all characters can compete in all match types. Female characters in particular are prevented from playing season mode, cage matches, and.. well.. just about everything except a normal singles match. This sucks, because what if you wanted your Goldberry wrestler to beat up your Edguardo wrestler in a cage match? You just can't do it.

This thing is a renter, if that. We'll see what the next Smackdown brings us over on the PS3 next year.

Perhaps most ironically, if you play the Smackdown storyline.. Eddie Guerrero gets slammed into a coffin and "buried alive" by the Undertaker. Ironic because Eddie died before the game was released.

Overall Score: 5 of 10

The Chronicles of Narnia
Submitted Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 8:46:35 PM by Klaitu

Just to be clear, I'm talkin about the movie here.. I'll eventually review the video game (which will more than likely suck).

Everyone's read the Chronicles of Narnia, particularly the first book, which this film is based off of. If you haven't read the Chronicles of Narnia, I don't know how you missed it. It's just one of those things that everyone has to read as a kid.

Disney has sunk a lot of money into Narnia.. a whole lot. So much money that this could become Disney's Winter Blockbuster franchise.. (like Pirates of the Caribbean is the Summer Franchise). I hope it turns out well, because this series is definately something that could pan into something great.

The film follows the book almost as well as any movie can follow a book. It has production values and attention to detail similar to the LOTR conversion into a movie. The important and memorable moments of the story all make it into the movie, and if it loses anything in translation, it's probably the pacing. You get the feeling that the story is rushed near the end.

Acting is top notch, an oddity among child stars it seems. A big temptation for filmmakers here is to make the kids be wild and anti-parental.. thank goodness the exact opposite is true.

The Music is a widely varied score that fits everywhere in the movie. The setting is both World War 2 AND fantasy.. and you wouldn't think the two could mesh, but they've achieved it. The music has enough variety to where you don't feel it is being repeated over and over and over again.. such as is the case with LOTR (and most movies these days.. I'm looking at you, John Williams)

Of particular note in this film is the amazing use of CGI. Narnia features a plethora of non-human characters, and each of them is rendered (at least partially) in CGI.. and all of it LOOKS great. There are some small instances of hand animation, where it's obviously CGI.. but the look of the stuff is amazing.

Actually, when you go see the film (because I know you will) see if you can spot the shots of the CGI train as opposed to the live-action train during the credits. You have to look reallllly hard.

On top of all that, I'm going to give Narnia some bonus points for:

- An epic fantasy battle during the mid-day with no clouds and bright sun. We've seen Helm's Deep, and we've seen Minas Tirith battles, but those had washed out color and darkness. Narnia puts it in your face with bright technicolors.

- All of the Christian analogies are still intact with the film. Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve.. the Lion being an analogy for Christ, the cleverly disguised Bible verses. Christmas is mentioned several times, and Santa Claus even makes an appearance. A bold stroke for Disney, which has long pandered to political correctness.

- I won't reveal the secret, but the very first shot of the movie takes place in a very interesting and "non-fantasy" place. Starting the movie this way is complete genius, it provides a great contrast between the worlds of WW2 and Narnia. It is also historically accurate.

Of course, I have to point out the cons of Narnia as well:

- As I mentioned before, the pacing is a little too fast, and some of the mocap work (in particular with the minotaurs and with Mr. Fox) don't look right. There's also a problem in one scene where the actors are not color balanced correctly with a CGI matte painting. This is because the light source is supposed to be coming out of the matte painting, but it isn't.

- The action is toned down into "safe, Disney-friendly" violence. things get stabbed, but you will never see the stabbing.. you'll hear it, and then a quick-pan to the knife sticking out of someones belly. That kind of business. I understand it's a children's movie, but there is one stabbing in particular that should have been completely seen in the film, but wasn't.

That's pretty much all there is to it. I highly enjoyed the film.. it clocks in at about 2:30, so it's a butt-flattener. Also, don't stand up when the credits roll. It's not the end.

Overall Score: 9 of 10

Final Fantasy 12 Demo
Submitted Friday, December 9, 2005 - 7:24:21 PM by Klaitu

I recently got my hands on a copy of the FF12 demo.. the one that came with Dragon Quest 8. So, here are my impressions:

- The Demo disc starts with a FMV trailer that is beautiful, but it's the same trailer that you've seen for the past 2 years. Big cit with airships.. bunnygirls walking around.

- The voice acting in the FMV is in Japanese, but is subtitled.

- The Demo offers a demonstration of active mode battle, and passive mode battle. The difference is that time pauses when you open the action menu in passive mode.

- The game plays a lot like KOTOR, and feels a lot like FF11.

- For a Final Fantasy game, the graphics were atrocious. They were pixellated and poorly rendered. FFX and X-2 have better graphics.

- The music is bland and boring. It does have a Final Fantasy Tactics feel, though.

- The two quests you partake of in the demo are your standard fare. While they work just fine for demonstrating the game, if the game is full of these, it will suck. They are just busy work. In the first one, you kill 3 monsters to make a boss appear. In the second, you run through a maze to get a key to fight a boss.

I try to remain optomistic, but Final Fantasy 12 could very well be the downfall of the series. I was not impressed with it at all. If it weren't a Final Fantasy, I wouldn't even consider playing the final version.

We'll have to wait until the Final Version comes up to tell for sure, though. It's due out in the first quarter of 2006 sometime.. along with the PS3.. which means it could suffer the same fate as FF9.

The Triangle
Submitted Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 12:47:11 PM by Klaitu

This would be Sci-Fi channels latest attempt at a blockbuster miniseries event. You can't really falut their strategy.. I mean.. Bryan Singer, Dean Devlin, Catherine Bell.. big names going on!

A rich and eccentric shipping tycoon has hired 4 down-on-their-luck scientists to investigate the Bermuda Triangle and find out what the heck it's all about.

Since this show is worth seeing, I won't spoil it completely, but you'll have it figured out by the second episode. The story is pretty well written, there's excellent acting, and the music isn't too bad. Unfortunately, the story just really isn't all that interesting.

This is a show that's not a waste of time, but it's not a must see either.. unless you're a Catherine Bell fan (and who isn't?)

Overall Score: 5 of 10

The Forgotten
Submitted Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 12:41:42 PM by Klaitu

You know what's awesome? Not this movie.

In fact, brace yourselves.. The Forgotten MAY actually be worse than the worst movie ever made.. Contact. I really don't even know how Gary Sinise is in this movie.. he usually makes good movies, but I guess he needed the money bad or something.

In The Forgotten, a dedicated mother refuses to forget about her son after he died tragically in a plane crash! Hooray for supermom! Trouble is, everyone else is forgetting about their children who died in the same crash. Also, the pictures in her house and other recordings of her precious, precious superchild are disappearing as well.

Well, supermom just isn't going to have that! Everyone MUST remember her child.. OR ELSE! She sets off in a frenzy of trying to force everyone to remember! She finally convinces an ex-hockey player that his daughter actually existed, and then she falls in love with him.. after about 15 seconds.

Look out, I'm going to spoil the stupid ending!

You know who's been going around and erasing everyones memories? Aliens. Yep. Turns out that they want to study the energy emitted between a loving mother and their children, except they just can't seem to get supermom to forget about her son.

This movie belongs with all the other crappy movies: doomed to the obscurity of the Lifetome network.. at the very least. In reality it should not be viewed by anyone at all, and whenever time travel is invented, someone should go back and prevent the film from being made.

Why is this movie so bad? Here are just a few reasons:

1. Aliens. Why the heck would ALIENS ever want to study the energy created by the bond of a mother and child? Are they going to make a weapon out of it? Are they gonna power their flying saucers with it? This premise is idiotic.

2. Supermom is a better mom.. nay! a better PERSON than you are! When the aliens erased the other parents memories, they didn't even try to remember, but Supermom stuck it to the man! She fought for all those parents whos kida were abducted by aliens!

3. She visits the Hockey player, and he's all like "you're nuts lady, get outta my house!" and then he goes to bed.. AND SHE STAYS IN HIS HOUSE OVERNIGHT. When he awakes, he's perfectly fine with that.

4. The movie takes place over the span of about 4 days, and in that time supermom and the hockey player fall in love, despite the fact that she's already married (but her husband forgot about the kid, so he's no good for her anymore)

5. The movie is chock full of stupid lines. At the end of the movie, when supermom gets her son back, she says "Yes, you can play until 5:30" with a tear streaming down her eye. BARF!

6. when she does get the child back, he says please and thank you, smiles incessantly, and stops playing to look and wave at his supermommy every 2 seconds, which makes supermom smile happily! Apparently supermom has raised a perfect child.. and why not, she's simply a better person than anyone else.

In short, do not go see this movie. In fact, do as the title suggests.. forget about it. It is unfit for human consumption, and everyone involved in it should be fined for humanitarian reasons (sorry Gary Sinise).

Overall score: -10 of 10.. err I mean 1 of 10, since I can't give a -10.

Submitted Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 12:23:44 PM by Klaitu


What could possibly have stirred up my THUNDERDOME spirit? Well, apparently the California Republican guys want Mel Gibson to run for Governor.

They want it so bad they made a website:

Heck, I'd vote for him, but since he made the Passion of the Christ, that's going to turn off a lot of Californians. It'll be interesting to see if he wins.. or even runs.

The Emo Kid Suicide
Submitted Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 10:46:19 PM by Klaitu

Once upon a time there was an emo kid who hinted at suicide and was laughed at for the moron he is. It made it to YTMND, and now it's all over the place!

The original:

And, of course, despite the claim that he really did, he really didn't.

The fad continues, and now EVERYONE is doin it!

These things can get out of control sometimes, methinks!

Submitted Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 9:38:30 PM by Klaitu

You know, I ordinarily wouldn't say anything about a thing called "Laser Fart", but.. it has Jack Black in it. Yeah. Jack Black. The guy from the King Kong movie.

Laser Fart is a superhero who farts lasers. He got his powers by eating a burrito out of a malfunctioning microwave.. and Jack Black is his archnemesis.

Yeah, it's low brow, but.. it just goes to show, even Jack Black can win awards!

Happy 'Day that will live in Infamy' Day!
Submitted Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 12:04:26 PM by Klaitu

64 years ago the Japanese took out a good chunk of our Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. You know the story, I know the story.. we all know the story, we've heard it a zillion times so I won't go into it here.

I just thought I'd issue a reminder.

Sunday Controversy
Submitted Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 11:57:59 AM by Klaitu

Among a small, busybody part of the country, there is rage and drama. Why? Because Christmas falls on a Sunday.

I suppose that's not so bad in and of itself, but because Christmas falls on a Sunday many churches are cancelling their weekly services, or switching them over to Saturday. Leading the charge against this switch is Professor David Wells, a teacher at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Why does Mr. Wells oppose this situation? Well, here's what he says:

This is a consumer mentality at work: `Let's not impose the church on people. Let's not make church in any way inconvenient,'I think what this does is feed into the individualism that is found throughout American culture, where everyone does their own thing.
I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with Mr. Wells and his assertion.. and I'll do so because what he didn't do is respond to the situation like a crackpot looney. He made a rational argument.

Mr. Wells does have a partial point here. You're supposed to go to church whenever church is going.. convienient or inconvienient. If the world were a perfect place, you could hold church on Christmas Day.. or during the Super Bowl, and people would show up.. I know I would.. but most people aren't me.

Problem is, this issue has nothing to do with attendance. Any church worth its salt would be open even if nobody was expected to show. Churches are like the postal system.. snow, sleet, rain, dead of night, football games.. whatever, church is open.

So, what's the big deal with Churches exchanging Sunday services for Saturday services? Most people like to hang out with their families on Christmas.. in particular pastors and church staff members. Christmas falls on a Sunday once every 12 years.. can we give those folks some time with their family that often? I have no problem with that.

Many Christians, Mr. Wells included have fallen prey to their own antidoctrine. One of the big differences between Protestant Christianity and Catholicism is that Catholics believe that Tradition supercedes the word of God, and Protestants find that blasphemous. Things like Confessionals and holy water and saints.. all that stuff is traditional and has no Biblical basis. Another thing that is traditional with no Biblical basis is "Church on Sunday". There should be no conflict here, because the Bible does not make any statement on when Church should be held.

Another problem with Mr. Wells argument is that the decisions smacks of "consumer mentality". Well, of course it does! Churchgoers are consumers. I know that the tradition is for churchmembers to be upright and pious, going to Church of their own volition (and they should) but the vast majority of people are fair-weather attendees. You can't convince them to autonomously go to Church unless you first can get them to listen.

Mr. Wells also claims that Churches are catering to individualism. This is, of course, true. People are individuals, and you must individually convince them that it is in their best interests to participate in a community. Once again, you can't convince them of anything unless their butt is in the seat.

What's happened here is that Mr. Wells has been isolated in a community of like-minded individuals. He works at a seminary, and most likely has a like-minded wife and kids, where he goes to work with like-minded coworkers.. and everything works in its own individual way. Surely, nobody he personally knows would ever skip Church because it was on Christmas.. so now, when the real world rears its ugly head, he becomes appalled.

This is nothing new. When it happens to Christians, most of the time they turn into Sin Police and try to enforce proper behavior. They'll do this by not allowing a bride to wear white at a wedding if she isn't a virgin, and by not visiting you in the hospital if you're in for a drug overdose, and by attempting to force you to go to Church, even if it is inconvienient. The Sin Police need to wake up.

Sure, they're technically right. You shouldn't have premarital sex. You shouldn't do drugs, and you should go to Church no matter when it's held.. but making sure that people behave properly is not the job of the Church. the job of the Church is instruction. encouragement, not enforcement.

So, what's the problem? My own church has transferred its services from Sunday to Saturday.. because this way not only do you get your weekly service, but you also get to spend time with your family.. and on top of that, the pastor and his staff can spend time with theirs as well. There is no downside to this arrangement.

Klaitu's Top 11 Cool Movie Moments
Submitted Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 2:38:37 AM by Klaitu

You know, sometimes when I'm watching a movie, I'll run across a particularly freaking cool scene that just burns itself into my brain for one reason for another. Then, later on when the years have gone by, I'll be watching the movie again, and I'll be waiting for that scene to roll around again. I don't really know if everyone works this way, or if it's just me.. nevertheless, here we go.. the top 11 coolest movie moments I can think of!

Of course, these are in no particular order.

- The Mask of Zorro

In your traditional action film, they save the "big battle" for the end fight between the hero and the villian. With the Mask of Zorro, you can throw that tradition out the window. The "big battle" comes near the first part of the movie.

Zorro's secret identity, Diego Della Vega, is enjoying some R&R after thwarting his rival, the no good Don Rafael.. who is to return to Spain. Before he leaves, though.. he shows up at our hero's hacienda, having discovered the true identity of Zorro.

Rafael and Diego have had some back story here.. Rafael covets Diego's wife, Esperanza. Rafael proceeds to arrest Diego, but Diego's having none of it. The bust loose with the most intense and amazing swordfight in the entire movie as Diego tries to protect his family from Rafael.. and of course, he fails.

- Cliffhanger

I wouldn't really say that Cliffhanger was an awesome movie. It was okay, but nothing special, except for one scene. Usually you can tell if a character is going to die in a film.. they just can't keep it a secret. They have to do some foreshadowing or some crap. They can't just make it a suprise.

At the very beginning of the movie, Stallone is trying to rescue his best friend's wife from the top of a mountain. This involves the use of a climbing wire, which is stretched horizontally to a nearby peak, where a helicopter can land. Wouldn't you know that the lady's harness is about to break? So Stallone heads out there to rescue her. There are "tense moments" as the buckles snap, and Stallone grabs her gloved hand.. and wouldn't you know, the glove starts slipping, too?

Since it's the very first scene in the movie, and you don't really know how they're setting up Stallone's character, it's entirely possible that he can rescue the girl.. but also, since you don't know any of the characters very well, it's also entirely possible that she will fall to her demise. The movie doesn't let you know which.. it doesn't hint, or foreshadow or anything. You just have to wait and see. This is the only scene in any movie where I actually felt some level of tension or suspense.

- Die Hard

Everyone's seen Die Hard.. it's one of the best Christmas movies ever made where a building explodes! I think it's safe to say that the original Die Hard was a pretty freakin cool movie, but it also has a freakin cool scene at the end.

You may remember that Reginald VelJohnson plays Sgt. Al Powell in this film, and during a touching moment with Bruce Willis, he recounts his story of how he accidentally shot a little kid, and that ever since, he never had the confidence to draw his firearm again.

At the end of the film, after Alan Rickman takes a swan dive, the big swedish guy who's been after Bruce Willis the entire movie comes out of nowhere, and pulls a SMG on the crowd (and Bruce).. when lo and behold, mysterious gunshots ring out, taking him down. Of course, we've all figured out that the heroic defender is none other than Al Powell, but the scene is rendered so beautifully that you don't really care that you outsmarted the plot. The camera comes up from belt level to eyelevel focussed on the gun, and when it gets there, the focus shifts off the gun and onto VelJohnson's face. That coupled with the musical score (by Michael Kamen) ensures that every Christmas, I'm watching Al Powell take down the swedish guy. I'll never forget it.

- The Fellowship of the Ring

It's no secret, I really don't like Fellowship of the Ring.. in fact, if I never saw it again, it would be too soon. Except for one particularly amazing and unforgettable scene.. that's right, the death of Boromir.

I never saw this one in the theater.. primarily because I was tired of people telling me how like unto a god Tolkien is in the fantasy realm. I never enjoyed Tolkien and found his books rather dull.. Eventually it came out on DVD, so I considered watching it out of boredom. I started asking what it's about, and the answers I got were that elves were awesome, and hobbits were cool, and that dwarves were like bikers.. and that the humans pretty much sucked. In fact, nobody I ever talked to watched the movie to see the human struggle.. they all wanted to see Gandalf.. or Sam and Frodo.. or Legolas.

Well, cheers to Boromir, who not only went down fighting, he took at least 3 arrows defending people who couldn't do it themselves.. showing that for all the flaws that Tolkien humans have, courage and determination are their unique advantages. They don't need no glowin swords or magic sticks or all-powerful rings.

- The Phantom Menace

Oft hailed as the worst of the Star Wars saga, there's one thing everyone agrees on: Darth Maul is one bad dude.. and Darth Maul is at his baddest when fighting a certain two Jedi in the Theed power core.

It's the fad nowadays to cover up the actors lack of skill with a sword (or lightsaber as the case may be) by doing a lot of "action cuts" and keeping the actual blades of the swords offscreen. The Phantom Menace wasn't afraid of the blade, the entire Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul fight is completely visible. You can watch the entire thing in slow motion and watch every single individual move.. no cuts.. no nothing. Just straight up clash of the apprentices.

It really is a shame that Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 use the lame "action cut" method. If you pick up the Special Edition Trilogy set, and check out the features for Episode 6.. you'll see that the Darth Vader vs Luke fight was similarly amazing.. if only it weren't cut.

- Willow

This movie marks the very beginning of digital photomanipulation. It's even the origin of the word "morphing" if you can believe it.. but my favorite scene in Willow has nothing to do with all that. It's actually much more practical.

In his quest to protect the baby Elora Danin from the evil Sorsha, Willow enlists the aid of Val Kilmer (in the form of Marmartigan). When they are captured by the evil beauty, Madmartigan, Willow, and the baby narrowly escapt on a makeshift sled made out of a shield. Along the way, Madmartigan falls off the shield after a particularly nasty jump. Willow in the meantime slides safely through the front door of someone's cottage.

When Willow manages to stand up and look out the window, he is suprised to discover that there's a 20 foot in diameter snowball rolling down the hill at breakneck speed.. with Madmartigan's boots sticking out of one side. It impacts the cottage and falls apart, and out jumps an extremely disoriented Val Kilmer who isn't sure what the heck happened.

Alright, so it's a little cheesy, but it's the only time I can think of that Val Kilmer almost killed a midget by transforming into a snowball.

- Anastasia

Suprising scenes come in all sorts of movies. Anastasia is an often forgotten Don Bluth film.. the one he released just before Titan A.E. It's a "what if" story about the legendary Russian duchess who supposedly escaped the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Of course, in real life she was shot in siberia, but in the film she ends up an orphan with Amnesia.

The Supercool scene comes near the end of the film. You see, in the interim, Anastasia's grandmother has offered up a substantial reward for the wherabouts of her royal progeny. A conman named Dimitri holds auditions to find an Anastasia lookalike, and of course.. stumbles over the orphaned real Anastasia. He believes her to be his ticket to riches, but doesn't know she's the real deal.. that is, until she tells the story of hos a boy rescued her from the palace.. the boy being the young Dimitri.

As with all fairy tales, Dimitri has fallen in love with the princess.. and the princess with him. When he attempts to get Anastasia and her grandmother back together again, his reputation as a conman thwarts the deal, and Anastasia, not knowing he was a conman cuts off an relation with him as well.

Undeterred, he kidnaps the grandmother and hauls her to see Anastasia, who is by herself able to convice the grandmother of her true identity. In their excitement, they completely forget about Dimitri, who quietly walks off into the cold, rainy night.

- Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

Farscape itself had many awesome moments.. but this is the coolest MOVIE moments, so I'll have to use the awesome moment in the Peacekeeper Wars.

Farscape is the story of John Crichton, an everyday astronaut who through a freak coicidence ended up on the far side of the galaxy on a ship full of aliens. One of the aliens was not so alien.. Aeryn Sun. Her race was called Sebacean, but she looked human in every way.. all of her race did. For most of the series, all the characters mistake Crichton for being Sebacean. Of course, the fans of the show speculated for 5 years as to why humans and Sebaceans were so much alike.

Being a TV series, hints to most plots would be given over a series of episodes.. but not so in Farscape. The similarity was talked about commonly, but nobody really knew what the deal was. Crichton even made it back to earth once, and the geneticists were unable to come up with anything conclusive either. In fact, the series provided no clues at all.

Then the Peacekeeper Wars came along. Story goes that there was once a race of people known as Eidolons who have the innate ability to influence people toward peace. Because of this, they essentally became the U.N. for the galaxy.. but because there aren't enough Eidolons to help out the whole galaxy, they needed a police force, and a police force made up of a race that nobody had a quarrel with, so they set out and found an infant earth and abducted some primal humans, who they genetically engineered into Sebaceans, who were bred to keep the peace, hence the term "Peacekeepers".

I know, there's nothing particularly amazing about the scene, it's just some exposition as our crew is imprisoned by the Scarrans.. but the implications of the dialogue gave me goosebumps. Very awesome moment.

- Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

I don't understand Japanese.. the people or the language, but I do understand people kicking some major butt, and that's what Advent Children is all about. Most FF7 fans are big Cloud fans.. and I like Cloud as much as the next guy, but in this movie it's Tifa that gets the most excellent scene in the film.

Tifa is the Kung-Fu master of the FF7 universe, having trained with a master up in the mountains of Nibelheim. Opposing her is Loz, a failed Sephiroth clone looking for Cloud. the face off is extraordinarily brutal.. for Loz. He gets roundhoused in the face, smashed into walls, and he even gets hit with the Dolphin Blow. He gets bounced off the floor, chucked into the air, and slammed into the ground as well. It's an amazing fight scene with incredible use of bullet time.. with no bullets involved.

- Unbreakable

Do you remember what came after the Sixth Sense? Well, this film did.. but it got poor reviews, and nobody paid much attention to it. The "shocker" ending was pretty lame, but there was one special scene that got special props.. at least from me.

Bruce Willis is like a tank. He's a Superman, he's invulnerable to physical harm.. except by water. He's not what you would call excited about it.. you might say that he's not really conscious of it. With the help of Samuel L Jackson, he discovers how to use his abilities for good, and his very first task is to protect a child from an everyday, psycho murderer/child molester.

Of course, Bruce Willis isn't a fighter. He doesn't go much, if any fighting at all in his daily life. He's an ordinary security guard, so when he follows the evil badguy into the master bedroom, he ends up getting pushed out a second story window. When he returns, he doesn't punch the guy, or throw him around or anything, he just gets a choker hold on the dude, and won't let up.. despite being slammed into walls and furniture and the like. Eventually, the bad guy just dies off from the choker hold. A very interesting superhero fight!

- Bicentennial Man

Robin Williams sucks. He's not a particularly good actor, and he's super political.. but darned if he didn't hit the right role in Bicentennial Man. If you haven't seen it, Bicentennial Man is the story of a robots quest to become a human.

Of course, the natura of a robot is that one would go on forever.. or until someone destroyed it.. and because of this, our robotic protagonist does not age. He watches his master age, and his masters children grow up. His master dies, and the children turn into parents, and then grandparents.. and eventually he figures out that everyone he ever meets is going to die.

This moment comes when the Master's youngest daughter dies.. in her hands is a wooden horse sculpture that he made for her when she was a child. In order to prevent the death of his friends, he sets about developing artificial organs.. and uses them to modify himself to become more human. This is an example of one of those moments where they just manage to hit the nail on the head and make an awesome movie moment.

So, there you have it, the top 11 coolest movie moments that I can think of off the top of my head. Mull over them and enjoy.. and if you missed one or more of them, I highly recommend you rent them and check it out. You'll be glad you did!

Gamer Psychology
Submitted Monday, December 5, 2005 - 1:01:53 PM by Klaitu

That last article got me to thinking more about why I personally don't really like the xbox 360.. so I looked at it from a standpoint of games first.

Here's the ones I have bought, and I own:

Def Jam: Fight for NY (It was a gift)
Dragon Quest 8 (Yeah, I finally bought it)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto 3
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 11
Kingdom Hearts
Space Channel 5
Space Channel 5: Part 2
Resident Evil: Outbreak
Star Trek: Shattered Universe (It was a gift)
The Fifth Element
Speed Racer
X-men Legends
X-men Legends 2

13 of the games are PS2-specific
6 of the games are also on the X-box

I like all kinds of games, but my list is RPG heavy. It's that way because when I pay 50 bucks for a game, I don't want to get tired of it.. ever. A game like Soul Calibur 3.. which is great, does not have staying power. Even if it did, it would become obsolete with Soul Calibur 4. Because the basis of an RPG is the story, they can survive hardware and software upgrades.

My least favorite kind of game is the sports game. My second least favorite kind of game is the FPS. Xbox has a ton of both of these, as does the PS2.. and most of the games in these categories are trans-platform anyways.. like Madden and Medal of Honor.

On the hardware, the size of the X-box and the controllers isn't a real issue for me. I like the PS2 controllers better, but that's likely biassed because I'm more used to them.

So, I've come to the conclusion that the PS3 will be a better buy for me because it will most likely have more games that I will like on it.. while the 360 will probably have mostly racing and sports games, just like its little brother.

Xbox 360
Submitted Monday, December 5, 2005 - 12:38:29 PM by Klaitu

I've stayed pretty mum regarding the Xboz 360. I don't have one, and I'm not planning on getting one.. I'm just not an Xbox fan. Bill Gates is, though. Billy loves the 360, and why not? He's making money off it.

Except in Japan. The Original Xbox to date has only sold about 450,000 units in Japan. That's not very much, especially when considering the PS2's overwhemling prescence over there.

Despite what everyone suspects, Microsoft is not completely stupid, they know that in order to actually be a competitor in the console wars, they have to compete in Japan. In fact, they know it so much that the entire design of the 360 is intended to appeal to Japanese gamers. It's smaller, it's curvier, it's whiter, and it's got a converter the size of a velveeta carton.

Recently, MS has spoken up and said that their goal is to have 1 million xboxes in Japan by summer. I think that's a doable goal, but it seems pretty lofty.. especially with the original only taking up less than half that figure in 4 years. They've got an advantage in that they've started before Sony has, but with the PS3 set to debut in spring, that last push is going to be hard for them.

Hardware is only part of the equation. I mean, you can make the console appeal to the Japanese market, but you also have to have the games appeal to the Japanese market. That means you need lots of RPG's, and a healthy dose of bisoju (Sex sims). I don't know their plans in this regard, but the original xbox completely failed at this.

Over here in North America.. I don't know how well it will do. I think this new Xbox certainly has the potential to do better than the original xbox. I'm still not going to get one, though.

The French Democracy
Submitted Sunday, December 4, 2005 - 11:37:07 PM by Klaitu

Perhaps you've seen the commercials for that game called "The Movies". You know the one.. "Why's this movie star wearing a bunny suit?" Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

The game lets you make and produce your own movies, and then publish them onto the internet. Just like fanfiction, 99.999% of these movies are complete garbage and unfit for human viewing, but every now and again, somebody takes the tools and comes up with something pretty neat.

This particular film is called "The French Democracy", it was made entirely with "the movies" game, and is one French guy's perspective on the whole riot thing. For being such a sensitive political subject, the film comes off more or less neutral. The movie implies that the riots were caused because the white people couldn't get along with the black people. In actuality, the riot started because all people are stupid.

At any rate, the film is not a waste of time. The quality could be better.. it's been highly compressed, but you get the idea.

The guy is French, the movie is subtitled in english, but his english is not so great.. but you get the general idea. Also, you better be a fast read hehe

The movie lasts for 13 minutes, 9 seconds.

Take a look:

Submitted Sunday, December 4, 2005 - 10:55:23 PM by Klaitu

Are you a nerd? You're not as big a nerd as me, but I'll see if I can help you out.

I'll help you out by explaining everything I know about Eggnog.

Yep, that's right, Eggnog. I'm feeling Christmassy, and eggnog is one of them christmas treats.. It's like St. Nick's cola, those little hard candies with the Christmas trees on them that your grandma somehow always has, and Christmas Tree skirts.

Have you ever tried to buy a Christmas Tree skirt in the summer? It's not easy. (but that's a story for another post)

So, Eggnog, what is it? Technically, it's what you might call a Posset.. that is, it's a fortified milk beverage. Most possets are served hot, but Eggnog isn't usually, at least, not where I live.

Nobody's really sure where the heck eggnog came from, but most everyone agrees it had alcohol in it. What kind of alcohol? Well, just think up a kind and throw it in there.

Of course, these days eggnog is almost entirely without alcohol. It's a blend of eggs, milk, and sugar, it makes for a mighty mellow concoction. Lots of people spice it up with cinnamon or nutmeg.

I'm not an enormous eggnog fan, but I usually imbibe a flagon or two during the holiday season.. just for the sake of tradition. It's a bit too stout for my liking for any regular drinking. I'm not a fan of adding spices either, but that's just me.

I wonder if they sell eggnog in bags up in Canada.. most curious!

The Downside of Harry Potter
Submitted Sunday, December 4, 2005 - 6:17:19 PM by Klaitu

I recently wrote an article about a Harry Potter movie that I took a look at when it was on TV.. Well, ever since I did that, I've been getting mail after mail about Harry Potter everything.. Buy the books, buy the DVD's, buy the stupid Quiddich video game, buy the keychain.. etc etc.

I even got one that was summarizing the plot of the latest book, for no particular reason. I mean, it didn't want me to click on anything.

I've gotten so many of them that my Bayesian E-mail filter (which analyzes the content of E-mails to determine if they are spam) has determined that when the word "Hogwarts" appears in an E-mail, there is a 97.7% chance that the mail is spam.

I can't really argue with it, all those e-mails are bouncing off the filter quite nicely now.

So, Unless you're one of the 3 people on my exception list, don't put "Hogwarts" in your E-mails to me.

What the crap is a hogwart anyways? Oh, don't answer that.. you can't, it won't let you.

More DQ8
Submitted Sunday, December 4, 2005 - 6:09:39 PM by Klaitu

Still going! Nothing outlasts the Dragon Quest.

But you know, I've been thinking.. for a game called "Dragon Quest" there certainly aren't that many Dragons involved.

Anyways, Today I beat the game! Okay, I actually just beat the "First Ending" because once you beat it, it unlocks a whole new series of quests for you to do so that you can go and get the "real ending". Dang, this thing is long.

My "beat it" time? 62:11

I'll send up another update whever I beat it *AGAIN*.

P.S. The game still owns!

American Chopper 2: Full Throttle
Submitted Friday, December 2, 2005 - 6:37:44 PM by Klaitu

Ow, my PS2! The lid popped open and spat this game back out.. So this game is not only bad, but It's so bad that your PS2 doesn't even want to play it.

Let's face it, I'm a dork, and I like the television show. As it so turns out, you can't turn American Chopper into a video game.. that's like trying to turn Mythbusters into a video game. It's just not going to work.

Oh sure, the game has the actual voices of the actual American Chopper people. But that's the thing.. these people aren't actors, they're motorcycle builders, so their game voices are pretty lacking.

Graphics? Abysmal. I mean, they kinda look like the real people when they're still, or when you look at them in a screenshot, but they move completely improperly. Paul Jr. has propeller arms!

My advice, stay away. If you see it on the shelf, look away.. cast your eyes aside, for this game may turn you into stone.

It's not the worst game I ever played, but it hangs out with them.

Overall Score: 2 of 10

Dragon Quest VIII
Submitted Friday, December 2, 2005 - 6:26:01 PM by Klaitu

You might have been wondering.. "Where the Heck did Klaitu go, anyway?" Well, I'll tell you where I've been, I've been playing Dragon Quest 8!

Every time I think I'm about to beat the game, turns out that I haven't beat it yet. The game just keeps going and going and going.. and that's just alright by me, because Dragon Quest 8 completely and totally rocks.

We're talking your basic Final Fantasy classic RPG experience here.. though you could make the argument that it's also a classic Dragon Warrior experience as well, as the Dragon Quest series is just as old as the venerable Final Fantasy.

So, What gives?

The King of Trodain has been cursed and turned into a toad.. his daughter into a horse by an evil curse cast by a man named Dhoulmagus. The evil mage cursed his castle, causing everyone in it to turn into thorny plants.. with the exception of one lonely guard. That would be you.

Like Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, the main character has no dialogue. You'd think this would be a problem, but the Hero is not just a cardboard cutout character. He has a history, backstory, and emotion all his own, it's just that you have to discover these things from other people.

So, The Cursed King, his horse daughter, and the lone guard set out on a quest to undo the curse and return the King to his Throne. Along the way they pick up Yangus, a Han Solo-type who sounds like a chimney sweep. As the quest progresses, you pick up Jessica, an Aristocrat yearning to be free.. and Angelo, a disenfranchised Templar Knight.

Graphics here are a treat, and refreshing. The art style was dictated by the guy who invented Dragon Ball Z.. but don't let that throw you. It actually works pretty well in this context.. and it's not like the story was written by those crappy DBZ writers.

The music is amazing. It was either synthesized perfectly, or actually played and recorded by an orchestra. I can't tell so well these days, but however it was produced, it's some professional stuff. Unfortunately, there aren't a wide variety of tracks to play. Battle music, overworld music, town music.. they'll all get burned into your head.. and if you play late at night like I do, you'll wish the music would just go out of your brains.

Game controls and strategy are solid, though this definately has the drawbacks of the Japanese RPG format. You can follow the story pretty directly for quite awhile, and then BAM, impossible boss that you have no chance of beating without spending a few hours levelling up. The Japanese apparently like their games to be really really hard. Don't believe me? Just try Xenosaga or Star Ocean 3. This is nowhere near as hard as those.

Gameplay time makes DQ8 a superb value. This game is long.. looooong, and when I mean long, I mean realllly long. I've been playing for nearly 50 hours (that's playtime only) and I STILL haven't beat it.. and it's not due to dillydallying, either. There is so much content in this game that it just takes that long to get through.

Aside from two hairy and frustrating boss battles, my time playing DQ8 has been an absolute pleasure. I'm glad I got this via gamefly, though.. I would have had to return it to Blockbuster twice over already. That would suck.

OVerall Score: 9 of 10