October 2010

Trading Gameses
Submitted Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 7:25:46 PM by Klaitu

There's a lot in the news about how gamestop trades aren't worth it, and in principle I agree.. but then Fable 3 came out, and I didn't have any money to get it. The only solution? Trade in games.

So I looked through my stash and picked out some games that I haven't played in years, I put them in a bag and I hauled them down to the gamestop.

For those of you who are curious as to how these things go, Here are the details:

Left 4 Dead - 5.40
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 08 - 1.35
Halo 3 - 5.40
DOA Xtreme 2 - 2.70
Resident Evil 5 - 10.80
Oblivion - 5.40
Uncharted 1 - 8.10
Saint's Row 2 - 8.10
Sly Cooper 2 - 2.03
Capcom Classics 1 - 3.03
GTA VC - 4.38
GTA Liberty City Stories - 3.72
MGS 3 - 2.03
Tomb Raider Anniversary - 3.37
Star Trek Encounters - 1.35
Rogue Galaxy - 3.03
Sly Cooper 3 - 3.03
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 - 14.85
Xmen Legends 2 - 2.37
Resident Evil Outbreak 2 - 4.36
Dirge of Cerberus - 4.05
Bully - 4.05
GTA San Andreas (hot coffee) - 6.42
GTA Vice City Stories - 2.03

24 games, 111 dollars.

Was trading in a good value? I think so. I think the key here is to save them all up and unleash them all in one massive blow. Your results may vary.

Fallout: New Vegas
Submitted Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 4:16:32 PM by Klaitu

New Vegas is a sequel to Fallout 3 in the same way that Vice City was a sequel to Grand Theft Auto 3. It's the exact same game, except with different stuff.

It's a pretty good game, but in serious need of some QA testing. This game is glitchy, buggy, and downright broken. Quests break down all the time, and there are unneeded loading screens EVERYWHERE.

First, let me talk about the story. It really reminds me of the earlier Fallout games, more than Fallout 3 did. Here again is the NCR and all those old factions you've come to know over the years.

This time you're playing the role of Courier Six, you get shot in the face and your delivery is stolen. Now you've got to go track your attacker down and get it back.

The plot here is not as involved as Fallout 3, or most modern games.. but that's partially a good thing as this lends to the feel of it being "fallout".

Other than the story, not much has changed. Gameplay is identical to the original. There are some different monsters to fight, different factions to take quests from, but the game plays exactly the same as Fallout 3.

I think that Obsidian and Bethesda missed a lot of opportunities during the development of this game. They way it is designed is childish and primitive. This would have been a decent 360 launch title, but a game with this lack of attention to detail has no business being released in the present day.

For instance.. "New Vegas" You're thinking casinos and flashy lights, right? Yeah, There are only 4 casinos in New Vegas, and each of them requires at least 3 loading screens just to get to the door.

For all the technical imperfection, the game is fun to play when it isn't glitching out on you.

Overall Score: 7 of 10
Quality Rating: 2 of 5
Rent It!

Blue Bloods
Submitted Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 1:31:40 PM by Klaitu

Yet another cop drama set in New York City, but this time with Tom Selleck in it.

Can Tom Selleck pull the show all by himself? Surprisingly, yes he can. If you're in the market for a NYC cop drama, you could do worse.

Halo: Reach
Submitted Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 1:18:31 PM by Klaitu

This is going to be one of those reviews that you don't actually need to read, but I'm going to write it anyway.

Halo: Reach is just about like every other Halo game ever made. Guy in armor shoots lots of things. The single player lasts maybe 6 hours, and tons of people play the multiplayer.

The story here is a prequel to the first Halo game, with the ending here being the beginning of it. It's about Noble Squad as they try to help people evacuate the doomed Planet Reach.

This particular game features some space combat, which was a welcome change of pace.

Overall Score: 6 of 10
Quality Rating: 3 of 5
Rent it.

Pushing Daisies
Submitted Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 1:09:24 PM by Klaitu

At the core, Pushing Daisies is a show about a man who can revive the dead by touching them. If he touches them again once revived, they will be dead forever. If he leaves something alive for more than a minute, something else dies in exchange.

That's the explanation of the core of the show, but it really doesn't do it justice. Pushing Daisies has a unique art style and storybook setting, which makes it a blend between Edward Scissorhands and CSI. It's really creative, really clever, and pretty awesome.

Overall Score: 8 of 10

Arrested Development
Submitted Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 1:04:01 PM by Klaitu

Arrested Development is an hour long comedy show about a well-to-do family who owns a company. The father gets arrested by the SEC in the first episode, leaving the responsible son to pick up the pieces. Unfortunately, his family is quite irresponsible. Hilarity Ensues.

The show is pretty clever and mildly amusing, and also features Ron Howard as the narrator.

Overall Score: 6 of 10

Reporting, the Truth, and You!
Submitted Monday, October 11, 2010 - 12:15:39 PM by Klaitu

Do you believe the things that reporters tell you?

I mean, reporters are supposed to do the leg work, and make sure a story is credible before they go reporting it, right?

Take, for example a story about a planet called Gliese 581 g. According to many news reports, this planet is a garden world, has water, and harbors alien life.

Space.com's report on it claims that the chance of life on this planet is "100 percent" and only when you read the article do you discover they are quoting a crackpot Astronomer. CNN's headline also quotes this astronomer.

Wired magazine published this "image" of the planet:

Obviously an artist's interpretation. Look at how earth-like and habitable that thing is!

Well, you know what? Here's the truth about Gliese 581 g:

It's a planet that orbits the red giant star Gliese 581. Its orbit is 0.146 AU from the star. Astronomers have calculated that it is possible for a planet orbiting at this distance to have liquid water on the surface.

That's IT. No life. No water. No aliens. Astronomers calculated that water could possibly exist in a liquid form on the planet.

Here's a few other facts that news reports fail to mention about the planet:

- It's very likely that it is tidally locked to the star. That means one side always faces the star, just like the moon always has the same side facing earth. It also means that one side of the planet would be crazy hot, and the other side crazy cold.

- It's 4 times more massive than earth, so anything on the planet weighs twice as much as on earth.

- Nobody has actually seen this planet, it was discovered by observing the star and then calculating where the planet should be.

so now you know about Gliese 581 g, and the sensationalism that seeps out of every crevice of the news media.

iTunes Rage
Submitted Wednesday, October 6, 2010 - 1:38:37 PM by Klaitu

Recently, my poor old phone broke. That's right, my LG Vu is no more. If you're not familiar, the Vu is like the poor man's iphone.

Well, the screen stopped being responsive. I'd hit something in the bottom left of the screen, and it would select something in the middle of the screen. It seemed to fix itself if you pushed harder on the screen.

Well, one day when I was trying to send a text message, I kept typing 2 letters, and when I tried to type the third (an "a") it would dump me back at the base screen because it thought I pushed exit (even though the exit button is on the other side of the screen).

I pushed that A button so hard that the screen cracked, and that was the end of my LG Vu.

Now, left without a phone I spread the word on facebook to all my internet friends to recommend the next phone I should get. Fortunately, my cousin just happened to have an unused old iphone 1 just lying around. You know, the first generation iphone.

Well, it's hard to beat "free" as a price for any iphone, so I jumped at the chance. I plugged the sim card from my Vu in there and discovered that I had to plug this thing into iTunes in order to register it.

So, after a trip to the store to get one of those USB connector cords, I installed iTunes and plugged it into my computer, and I registered with no problems. Since the phone was new, I disconnected it to play with it some, and that's when my problems began.

The phone works great, I installed a few free apps, browsed the web a little bit, watched some videos.. just to see what the phone could do. Then I decided I should put some music and pictures on it.. and for that, it was itunes time again.

So, I plugged it back into my computer.. and BLAM, instant computer crash. I rebooted, left the phone plugged in and tried to start itunes.. it wouldn't start. I tried various combinations of starting itunes and unplugging or plugging in the phone with no success.

I finally got frustrated with the whole process and just uninstalled iTunes entirely because it is a giant piece of crap.

But Steve Jobs is a crafty one. You can't charge your iPhone without having iTunes installed.

So I installed that crap again, and for whatever reason, it worked with no difficulties. I decided that while it was working, I would try to put some pictures on it, so I went through the convoluted and stupid process of getting pictures on and "syncing" them. When I clicked the sync button, it took about 2 hours fo put 4 pictures on. Why? Because it had to "back up" my iPhone. I didn't really need a backup at this point, but oh well.

Then, once that was done, I decided to put some music on there before I unplugged it, so I went through the absolutely awful MP3 selection process, which lets you choose songs at random, or choose songs kind of at random. I have 35 gigs worth of music, and only 8 gigs of ipod. Some of the music isn't going to fit.

So anyway, I finally get things mostly the way I want them, and I hit the "sync" button. First thing it does? It spends another 2 hours backing up my phone. Second thing it does? IT DELETES MY FREAKING PICTURES! Oddly enough, it did actually manage to put my music on there, but an hour later it came back with an error message saying that it couldn't put over 100 of the songs I had picked because "an error occurred".

Alright, fine, at least I have that music over with, right? Well, I went to put my pictures back on there, and what's the first thing it does? It spends 2 hours backing up my phone.. AGAIN. Then, it DELETES ALL MY MUSIC off the phone. Then it put the 4 pictures back on.

What. The. Crap. Apple?

How hard is this? Why do you have to make it so incredibly difficult just to do a simple thing like put music on my music playing phone?

Here's a novel idea.. register the phone as a hard drive, let me drag and drop the music I want directly into the phone. Same for pictures. Blam, done.

Why do I have to use your crappy Apple bloatware that takes hours to do a job that should take about 15 seconds?

Now, I've never been a big fan of iTunes, it's an awful MP3 player, an awful video player, and it won't even embed album art into MP3 files in terms of library functions. iTunes sucks, I knew it sucked before I even installed it..

But you know, I kind of thought.. apple phone, apple software. Apple is known for making good user experiences, surely this will work just fine and I'll be done with it.


Since then I've discovered that every time I delete and reinstall iTunes I get exactly one plug-in to do whatever I want to the phone. After that, it's never going to connect again without deleting and reinstalling. So far I've reinstalled 7 times.

So, in short: Great phone, Apple. Too bad I have to use iTunes.